Browse articles from DevOps

Git 2.41 release - Here are five of our contributions in detail
Find out how GitLab's Git team helped improve the latest version of Git.

DevSecOps platforms help SMBs scale as they grow
Adopting a comprehensive platform early lets smaller businesses mature with best practices.

Mobile DevOps with GitLab, Part 3 - Code signing for iOS with GitLab CI and Fastlane
Learn how to use Project-level Secure Files with Fastlane Match to sign an iOS app.

Mobile DevOps with GitLab, Part 2 - Code signing for Android with GitLab
This second part of our tutorial series shows how to use Project-level Secure Files to sign an Android application.

Two DevOps platform superpowers: Visibility and actionability
Migrating to a DevOps platform helps organizations better understand and improve their development lifecycle.

Mobile DevOps with GitLab, Part 1 - Code signing with Project-level Secure Files
An introduction to mobile code signing with the new Project-level Secure Files feature.

Battling toolchain technical debt
DevOps teams can hinder the software development lifecycles and application performance if they let their toolchains become unruly. Read how GitLab can help reduce that technical debt.
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